We saw a video about people who are gifted with special abilities. They have this abilities due to some accident or somehting that happened in their lifes. A man that can know what day of the week is of any day in history. This is pretty amazing. The numbers are his friends. He was diagnosed with a form of autism. He can be an example of a savant. An idiot savant is a person who is considered to be mentally handicapped but displays brilliance in a specific area. We also saw about another savant who can memmorize books. He could read a page with one eye and the other with the other eye. Another guy can play a song after hearing just once. The calendar man uses different machinery (parts of the brain) for everyday stuff, different than normal people. In general we are a left brain society, with logic and resoning. Savants, in the other hand, have a left brain that gets messed up. A girl was a great painter when she was two, but when she grew (and learned language) she couldn't paint well any more. This shows that we are creative when we are born. Also in this video we heard about a man called Tommy McHugh. He had a brain injury, and after that he felt the necessity to make paintings, he make great paintings. At the end we saw about a teacher who wants to give savant skills to a student and is using him as his guinea pig. In his experiment he is going to turn of part of his brain. A good percentage has shown that after turning of one part of the brain a test is done better than before. This is shown by about 40% percent. This University teacher will like to one day make a thinking cap, this will be pretty amazing and of great use if it is done. What all these savants can do is purely unbelievable and if someday we can get this abilities without being handicapped it will be amazing.
domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011
Video Response #7: Made Genius
A study was made in a maze were young kids were taken to a maze and they needed to find their way out. The results were that boys make a mental map of the maze and that girls try to solve the maze in a more logical way using landmarks. We have a left and a right brain. The male has the cortex thicker in the right brain, and the female's corpus collusum (which connects the two parts of the brain) is more developed. Susan Polga is a chess master. She has become one of the best in the world. This is amazing, also because she is a woman and fewer women compared to man have been at this level. Susan begins beating men at chess seen little. Susan lived in Budapest, she had lots of chess books and catalogs. She studied a lot of ours a day with these. A psychologist said that specialized training is more important than natural talent. Chess players rely on intuition, and after heavily studying tactics and combination they just know what they have to do. Susan can put the chess pieces exactly as they were after seeing a poster by three seconds. She can do it in her and doesn't need to see the chess board, she does it by memory. Susan can copy a whole chess board. Some people do this by "chunking," just the way she does it. This is taking chunks of information as one peace of information. These can help you memorize something better. This is a nice trick I didn't know before. Trying to memorize random chess pieces is more difficult. I can conclude from this that geniuses can be made with practice. This was also a theory that Susan's dad had.
Video Response #6 - Nature Vs. Nurture - Intelligence: Born Genius
A great discussion now is if geniuses come from nature or if they are made. This is the response of the first part of a three part video we saw in our Psychology class. It started talking about a gifted Chinese kid, which is a genius in a piano. He knows 40 songs by memory. Kid played since 2 when he heard a song and played it exactly as it was. His mother realized here that he was something special. How many two year olds can do this? Simply amazing!!! We can say this awesome kid was born genius. A psychologist stated that gifted kids are born with something extra. The gifted chinese kid has more advanced classes compared to the other kids his age. His mother gives him classes at home. Few kids are like him. He is sociable and brilliant at the same time. We also saw a horrible case of a girl who was kept shut on an ugly room till she was 11. She had the mentality of 2 year old. Now she couldn't use some parts of brain. Some brain connections you use them or lose them. This was done by her father who had mental problems. Psychologist can't experiment on people, but they can wait for problems like this to arouse to study human behaviors.
domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011
Response#5: Nature vs. Nurture - Homosexuality
This is a very controversial topic. Some people believe that homosexuality comes from nature and others from nurture. Nature is that you are born with it and nurture is that you get it from the environment. The truth is that no one knows for sure. We saw a video in which two twin boys were very different. The first boy acts normal, but the second one has a very feminine behavior. The first one likes marines, G.I. Joe action figures, and video games like "Battlefield 2"(a war game). The second boy is very feminine, has a pink room, dolls, and his favorite video game is "Neopets." He accepts that he is like a girl and will like to be one. This is very surprising to me because such a little boy is being so feminine. Is he naturally this way? He has a symptom described as childhood gender nonconformity. Afterwards in this revealing video they talked about how there is an average relation on how people move and their gender. I could really notice see if a man was feminine or masculine depending on how they moved. Also their voice has a relation with their gender, which is every interesting. There is an idea that homosexuality is not genetic, but that it happens when you are born. This hasn't been proved yet, but I get the feeling we are going to know it in a not so far future.
viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011
Video Response #4 – Mind of a Murderer
A lot of people are incredibly dangerous. You need to always be aware of your surroundings. It might not be the criminals fault when they commit crime because they probably have brain damage.
Criminals have brain damage or trauma, that is why they act the way they do. It is very interesting to know this fact. Now I start to ask myself that if criminals should be thrown in jail, or if they should be sent to a hospital that treats the brain. Maybe criminals are made, they are probably most likely not born bad. I really think that people are not born bad, but that there surroundings, brain damages or peers can have a great influence on them. Abusers were abused as children and received brain damage. Apparently abusers were abused as little. This is no surprise, abusers probably act like this because they become how they were raised or they just want to take their anger at another person. It is very bad to hit your head especially when you are a baby and you are more fragile. Babies are so delicate that even with some shaking they may get damaged. What scientists know about a criminal and if they acted that way because they have brain damage hasn't affected the legal system yet. I think this is mostly because it doesn't matter that criminals have brain damage, they still did something bad. It would be illogical not to punish people and just to say that they have brain damage, if that would happen there would be a lot of criminals would be out there and some people would do what they please. Although I think that the court should consider that people aren't naturally born bad, and that there may be a remedy for the criminals.
Video Response #3 – Traumatic Brain Injury
Lots of people have brain injuries, and depending of the location and intensity of the injury results can be severe. A brain injury can make a person think slower, have problems with their memory, damage their neurons, have neuron inefficiency, and basically change ones life. You can have a normal life one day, and the next day you can be retarded or have a physical inability because of a brain injury. The brain controls everything we do, and it is very fragile so we need to take care of it. Like the people shown in this video demonstrated, living with having a traumatic brain injury changes the way you live, but the people of this video are an example because they try to make the most out of their lives even with the problems and difficulties they have. Traumatic brain injury comes when force is applied to the skull. There are many types of injuries: contusions, axonal injuries, and brain bleeding. Also obviously there is a level of intensity in an injury, which can be mild, moderate, or severe. It is very dangerous to hit your head hard because you could end up dumb. If you have brain injury first you would need medical stability and then rehabilitation. Remember, your brain is very delicate, so don't hit your head.
Video Response #2 - Reading Your Mind
Breathtaking! It is pretty interesting the knew technologies being discovered. Things that happened only on sci-fi movies our now happening. It is pretty interesting that with MRI scientists can know what is going on inside your brain by looking at patterns. This is mind reading, or the correct term thought identification. It is creepy how scientist will be able to know what you are thinking using a machine. For example, if you are thinking of a car a machine will be able to know. This new technology can be used for a lot of things. As said on the video intentions can also be read. There is something called neuromarketing in which they are going to know what you want. This going to be the future of marketing. When they get to know what we want, they will know exactly what to sell us. Also for trials, they will be able to identify who is telling the truth. Maybe this isn't ethical. Maybe some people wouldn't want their thoughts to be known. I wouldn't like people knowing some things I think about. This is very impressive technology and who knows what aspects will they be able to decipher in our head five years from now. This revolutionary technology will change the world.
Video Response #1 - Teenage Brain
The teenage brain is extremely complicated, sometimes we can't even understand ourselves. I've learned that we are sometimes ineffective in reading the facial emotions. Now that I think about it is true. Sometimes we get mad about something we shouldn't get mad about because we misinterpret it. Another thing that I learned in the video is about mood swings or the inability teenagers have to regulate their emotions. This means that we change are mood very fast, one minute we are happy, and the next we are sad. I find very interesting that sometimes I get mad very easily even of small things that shouldn't affect me.
Lots of teens don't want to get up on schooldays. I have experienced this. A lot of times I would prefer staying at home all day just resting and playing video games instead of going to school. As we learned in the video, we need a bit more than nine ours of sleep. A lot of us, including myself can rarely reach that amount of time. For example, I sleep an average of about five hours and a half on schooldays. It has become very difficult to sleep the amount needed due to long schooldays, extracurricular activities, sports, homework, etc.We don't even have time to do things we really want to do. Sleeping small quantities of time is very bad because the next day we have little energy, we are exhausted, and it is difficult to learn or even pay attention when you are tired. This era we live in is very complicated and the worst part is that when we need more time we take it from the worst place to take it, which is sleeping.
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