domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

Response#5: Nature vs. Nurture - Homosexuality

This is a very controversial topic. Some people believe that homosexuality comes from nature and others from nurture. Nature is that you are born with it and nurture is that you get it from the environment. The truth is that no one knows for sure. We saw a video in which two twin boys were very different. The first boy acts normal, but the second one has a very feminine behavior. The first one likes marines, G.I. Joe action figures, and video games like "Battlefield 2"(a war game). The second boy is very feminine, has a pink room, dolls, and his favorite video game is "Neopets." He accepts that he is like a girl and will like to be one. This is very surprising to me because such a little boy is being so feminine. Is he naturally this way? He has a symptom described as childhood gender nonconformity. Afterwards in this revealing video they talked about how there is an average relation on how people move and their gender. I could really notice see if a man was feminine or masculine depending on how they moved. Also their voice has a relation with their gender, which is every interesting. There is an idea that homosexuality is not genetic, but that it happens when you are born. This hasn't been proved yet, but I get the feeling we are going to know it in a not so far future.

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