viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

Video Response #4 – Mind of a Murderer

A lot of people are incredibly dangerous. You need to always be aware of your surroundings. It might not be the criminals fault when they commit crime because they probably have brain damage.
Criminals have brain damage or trauma, that is why they act the way they do. It is very interesting to know this fact. Now I start to ask myself that if criminals should be thrown in jail, or if they should be sent to a hospital that treats the brain. Maybe criminals are made, they are probably most likely not born bad. I really think that people are not born bad, but that there surroundings, brain damages or peers can have a great influence on them. Abusers were abused as children and received brain damage. Apparently abusers were abused as little. This is no surprise, abusers probably act like this because they become how they were raised or they just want to take their anger at another person. It is very bad to hit your head especially when you are a baby and you are more fragile. Babies are so delicate that even with some shaking they may get damaged. What scientists know about a criminal and if they acted that way because they have brain damage hasn't affected the legal system yet. I think this is mostly because it doesn't matter that criminals have brain damage, they still did something bad. It would be illogical not to punish people and just to say that they have brain damage, if that would happen there would be a lot of criminals would be out there and some people would do what they please. Although I think that the court should consider that people aren't naturally born bad, and that there may be a remedy for the criminals.

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