domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

Video Response #6 - Nature Vs. Nurture - Intelligence: Born Genius

          A great discussion now is if geniuses come from nature or if they are made. This is the response of the first part of a three part video we saw in our Psychology class. It started talking about a gifted Chinese kid, which is a genius in a piano. He knows 40 songs by memory. Kid played since 2 when he heard a song and played it exactly as it was. His mother realized here that he was something special. How many two year olds can do this? Simply amazing!!! We can say this awesome kid was born genius. A psychologist stated that gifted kids are born with something extra. The gifted chinese kid has more advanced classes compared to the other kids his age. His mother gives him classes at home. Few kids are like him. He is sociable and brilliant at the same time. We also saw a horrible case of a girl who was kept shut on an ugly room till she was 11. She had the mentality of 2 year old. Now she couldn't use some parts of brain. Some brain connections you use them or lose them. This was done by her father who had mental problems. Psychologist can't experiment on people, but they can wait for problems like this to arouse to study human behaviors.

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